In the book How to get rid of the ICKY STICKY GERM kids learn how to wash their hands the right way. With this activity they can help remind everyone to do the same.

Due to social distancing, many people are out taking walks, riding their bikes, and just out enjoying the fresh air. A great way to remind your child, and everyone out there to wash their mitts is to chalk up a message about cleanliness.
Brainstorm ideas with your child about good ways to get rid of germs. Some ideas include : wash your hands, cover your mouth when you sneeze or cough, wash wish SOAP and Water, or don't touch your face.
Once you have your message, pick a spot where you both think people will see your artwork and go to town. This is a fun way for the little ones to feel like they are helping keep everyone healthy!

GO BIG! Create boldly!
